RLCC High School Vision Statement MUSTANG MESSAGE
Friday, January 17, 2025 Bulletin #87
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrs. Lynsey Lee today and Evelynn Klamm, Lucas Olson and Mr. Huie tomorrow
LUNCH TODAY: Polish sausage or hot dog on a bun, chips, baked beans, vegetable, fruit, milk BREAKFAST TUESDAY: Biscuit w/gravy or cereal, fruit, milk, juice
LUNCH TUESDAY: Pulled pork or BBQ chicken, baked beans, chips, vegetable, fruit, milk
1/17 FRIDAY (EARLY OUT) Practice @ OKLEE: V/JV/C BBB at 12:30 back with RLF JH BBB 2:30- 4:00 back with RLF GAMES: GWR at Ralph Engelstad Arena 3:00 11:45 OK JH GBB vs. WEM in Oklee 4:30/5:30 JV (one half only)/V GBB vs. Climax-Fisher in Oklee 6/7:00
1/18 SATURDAY GAME: MS WR (boys only) at Ralph Engelstad Arena 7:30 OK/7:50 PL
1/20 MONDAY (NO SCHOOL) Practice @ TRF: GWR at the Times 3:00 OK/3:15 PL GAMES: JH BBB vs. WEM in RLF 4:30/5:30 3:00 OK C/JV/V BBB in TRF 5/6/7:30 3:45 OK/4:00 PL JV/V GBB vs. BGMR in Oklee 6/7:30
1/21 TUESDAY Practice @ OKLEE: V/JV GBB, JH BBB, MS WR, One Act, Speech pick up at 5:20 Practice @ TRF: GWR at the Times 3:00 to TRF GAMES: JH GBB at Sacred Heart 4:30/5:30 2:30 OK/2:50 PL JV/V BBB vs. KCC in RLF 6/7:30 4:45 OK Hockey vs. Bagley in RLF 7:00
SPEECH FEES of $50 ($25 if you qualify for free and reduced meals) need to be paid by January 31
REBEL BASKETBALL CLOTHING can be ordered at https://shop.game-one.com/minnesota/oklee/red-lake-county-central/red-lake-county-rebels-boys-basketball The password is rebels.
ATHLETIC TRAINER athletes, please sign up in the office to see the trainer on Wednesdays
EARLY OUT TODAY/NO CLASSES MONDAY students will be dismissed at 11:55 today, and Monday is a teacher workshop day. See you Tuesday again!
9TH GRADE has concessions tonight and Monday, see Mrs. Moll with questions
CONGRATULATIONS to December Students of the Month Owen Chervestad (SH) and Leah Pahlen (JH)
MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLING practice today is optional from 3-5:00, transportation is on your own
SENIOR PICTURES need to be sent to Mrs. Musker at kmusker@rlcc.k12.mn.us
DRIVERS ED registration closes today and a schedule will be available soon after that. Students who will be 14 years old by February 22, 2025 can register online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_Z9BRmffoOo0wI5M_2_ELXTdVkh7_lDo1oaMn93yRCA/viewform?ts=67190e5a&edit_requested=true
ANNUAL KC FREE THROW CONTEST will be held in RLF at the High School gym on Sunday, January 19th at 1:00, you may practice at 12:30. This is for any girls and boys from the ages of 9-14 as of January 1. Ages 9-11 all shoot from 3 feet in front of the regular free throw line with a girls' size basketball. Ages 12-14 will shoot from the regular free throw line, girls with the girls' ball and boys with the boys' ball. Winners advance to the District competition, followed by Regional, State, and International levels. Contact Steve Philion at 218-686-3608 or sphilion@rlfedu.org, score sheets can be picked up at any RLC school
FAFSA INFO NIGHT There will be an informational session for seniors and parents in the HS Library on January 22nd from 6-7:00 pm with a financial aid representative from NCTC reviewing information.
POST PROM TICKETS need to be turned into the office or post prom committee members by Friday, January 24th. They were mailed to junior and senior parents.
TRIPLE ‘A’ AWARD Congratulations to Quinn Graves and Ruben Osborn who were selected as RLCC's nominations for the Triple 'A' Award for Region 8A. The award honors seniors throughout the state with a 3.0 or higher-grade point average and who participate in League-sponsored athletic and fine arts activities.
SKATING RINK OPEN Saturday & Sunday from 10-8:00pm and weekday afternoons from 4-8:00pm (closed if there is a home game at the high school)
OPEN GYM in Oklee on Saturdays from 1-3:00 pm, children 6th grade and under must have adult supervision. Contact Kurt with questions at 612-247-0812
GVT YOUTH TOUR takes place annually in early June. GVT sends two (2) students and provides spending money as well. Students need to submit an “essay” explaining why they would like to attend, why they should be selected, and what this opportunity could mean for them. DEADLINE for submissions is 01/31/25, email submissions to jessica.nelson@gvtel.net are preferred, but USPS or dropping essays off at any of GVT’s retail locations (ATTN: Jessica Nelson) is also acceptable. Directors vote and results are announced in March 2025. Submissions are also accepted on the GVT website at https://www.gvtel.com/ntca-youth-tour/
RLCC YOUTH WRESTLING 5th/6th graders practice with middle school here and 4th grade and younger practice in Plummer in the old weight room from 3:30-5pm. Schedules were handed out at practice, please contact Cameron (218-689-9176) or Jesse (432-813-5037) with questions
LUNCH ACCOUNTS All students will be served meals each day. NOTE: Students who get seconds need to have money in their account. If you are purchasing only milk or juice (not a qualifying meal), or if you take an additional milk or juice or get seconds you may be refused when your account is not in good standing.
UPCOMING EVENTS Jan 22 Recycling 11/10/8 Jan 22 TRIO to BSU & NW Tech Jan 22 Financial Aid Night Jan 23 Speech has concessions Jan 24 One Act Play Jan 24 Concessions TBD Jan 27 Post prom has concessions Feb 3 GBB Parents Night Feb 13 BBB Parents Night |
Contact: sgunderson@rlcc.k12.mn.us |